Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Marriage of Alfred W. Moehlmann & Helen Margaret Bovenschen

Today's highlighted wedding is that of my maternal grandparents, Alfred William Moehlmann and & Helen Margaret Bovenschen who were married on March 26, 1921, in Linton, Green County, Indiana at the parsonage of the Saron Reformed Church.

Alfred & Helen both grew up on farms north of Linton.  Alfred had lived with his mother and maternal grandparents and a couple of his aunts and uncles.  Helen's father had a large farm and she had five sisters and a brother.  They had dated for several years and then had a year long engagement.

Helen Bovenschen & Alfred Moehlmann
October 1918, Alfred was home on leave from the Army 

Alfred had been an only child with his parents divorcing when he was about 10 or 11.  He was very much affected by the divorce and promised himself that he would not follow in those footsteps.  He did have the example of his maternal grandparents who lived to celebrate their 50th anniversary.  Alfred wanted to be sure that he had sufficient funds to set up housekeeping. 

On the morning of their wedding they drove to Bloomfield, the county seat, and got their marriage license.  He stated that this was the first time he and Helen had been together in the morning.  

Bloomfield News, 31 Mar 1921, Bloomfield, Indiana

They were married at the parsonage of Rev. Fledderjohann, pastor of their church.  Afterwards they returned to Helen's parent's home and had a large family dinner. And the custom of her father was that they spend their first married night in his home.

Two months later Helen's sister Grace was married.  Grace had originally wanted to have a double ceremony with Helen, but Alfred and Helen had declined.  The following article was primarily about Grace's wedding but the last paragraph mentions her sister's wedding.

It wasn't until I found the following newspaper article that I learned of the significance of Alfred and Helen's wedding date.
Helen and Alfred shared their anniversary with Helen's oldest sister Anna, and Helen's parents.  So at this 1929 dinner hosted by  Helen and Alfred, they are celebrating their 8th anniversary,  Anna and Karl Kramer their 16th anniversary, and William and Gesena Bovenschen their 38th anniversary.  Alfred had always admired William Bovenschen and I'm not surprised he chose his own wedding day on the same day as his father-in-law.

50th Anniversary 
Standing: Jane (Moehlmann) & Arnold Sargent, Bill Moehlmann, Alfred Moehlmann, Jr., Abe & Margaret (Reeves) Moehlmann, Patty (Clark) Moehlmann Front: Helen (Moehlmann) & Butler Rhodenbeck, Helen (Bovenschen) & Alfred Moehlmann, Vera (Herron) Moehlmann

Helen Margaret (Bovenschen) & Alfred William Moehlmann
50th Anniversary

  Alfred had kept a daily diary for decades and here is what he wrote about his anniversary in 1971:
"Our Golden Wedding was March 26th. It was a Beautiful Day, temperature 32 - 50 degrees. Margaret over early to see Jane, Arnold and Lynda. Arnold took a lot of pictures. We got 16 anniversary cards before today, the mailman brought 16 more, Tuney brought 10 more from the P.O. and we got 3 more from our kids. Aunt Bernice brought a gift of flowers. We also got a gift of flowers from the Hightower family and from the Warsaw folks. Jane and Arnold took Lynda to Indianapolis to catch a plane about 2 p.m. All the family  (grownups) over to visit at night."

  "We celebrated the occasion Sunday March 28th. It was mostly cloudy but nice 48-61. Stella Struckmeyer called early and said she would sing a song over radio from Calvary Baptist Church at 8 a.m. announcing it was a special number dedicated to us. More flowers and gifts began coming early. Mom and family to church. It was examination day for the confirmants including Melynda. Family and relatives and friends visited all afternoon. The women folks had the dining room all decorated in gold coloring. The table had a covering of gold material and the sides were draped with a golden lace. A candelabra centered the table with golden colored candles and a huge Golden Wedding cake also had its place of honor. The women folks served punch and cake to everybody. Pictures were taken all day long - both still and movies Helen L., Bob and Ken came over at night for our final visitors. I stood the excitement better than I thought I would and had a good nights sleep."

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