Where Were They 100 Years Ago?
This week Randy Seaver's SATURDAY NIGHT GENEALOGY FUN challenge is: Where were they 100 Years Ago?
1) Determine where your ancestral families were on 18 May 1919 – 100 years ago.
2) List them, their family members, their birth years, and their residence location (as close as possible). Do you have a photograph of their residence from about that time, and does the residence still exist?
I have accounted for seven of my maternal ancestors in 1919. I had miscounted in my last post. So to clarify, my Great-great grandmother Margaret Schmidt Bovenschen, her son William and his wife Sena (Heitman) Bovenschen and their daughter Helen were in one household. The my great grandfather Fredrick Moehlmann, his ex-wife Mathilda Tendick and their son Alfred Moehlmann were also living in 1919. That is a total of seven. In 1919 there were four ancestors in my father's line that were living in Indiana.
My great grandmother Mary Elizabeth (Adkins) Sargent in June of 1918 was living in Linton, Greene, Indiana according to her son Hobart's WWI registration. Hobert was married in January of 1919 in Vanderburg County and living in Evansville, Indiana. In the 1920 census Mary is living with her son and daughter-in-law in Evansville. So it not certain at what point she joined them, but I think she was probably at 1124 S. 8th Sreet in Evansville. That home no longer exists.
Martha Emmaline (Davis) Houchin (1854-19440), my great grandmother, married her second husband on May 29, 1919 in Pike County, Indiana. Since the death of her first husband in 1911 until her second marriage she lived in this house in Glezan, Pike, Indiana.